Dr. Shabbir Ahmed
Assistant Professor
Email Id :ibnesami@gmail.com
Phone :091-8700705266
Research Publication of Shabbir Ahmed
Research papers / Articles in Journals
- Ahmed, S. & Bhatia, H. K. “A Study of Teachers’ Collaboration in Inclusive Schools” published in Jamia Journal of Education (A Peer Reviewed Refereed International Biannual Publication), ISSN 2348-3490, October 2018, Vol. 5, No. 1.
- Bhatia, H.K. & Ahmed, S. “Assistive Technology at Teachers Training Institutes: An Exploratory Study” published in Jamia Journal of Education (A Peer Reviewed Refereed International Biannual Publication), ISSN 2348-3490, March 2018, Vol. 4, No. 2.
Chapters in Edited Books
- Ahmed, S., Maryam, A. & Ahmad, W. “Globalization: Challenges to Developing Countries Like India”, Quest for Excellence in Higher Education (First Edition 2016), Renu Publishers, New Delhi, ISBN: 978-93-85502-15-6.
- Ahmed, S. “Need to Establish Connection between Teacher and Student in Inclusive Education”, Innovations in Education (First Edition 2015), New Delhi Publishers, New Delhi, ISBN: 978-81-930379-92-7.