Maulana Azad National Urdu University has four Hostels for Boys and Two for Girls at Hyderabad campus. As the University attracts students from different parts of the country, the available seats in the hostels are limited in relation to the demand. Grant of admission to any program of the University does not guarantee hostel accommodation. Accommodation will be offered to the eligible applicants as per criteria laid down by ‘Central Hostel Admission Committee’ 2019-20 of the University, based on availability of seats in each hostel. The list of the students selected for hostel admissions for 2019-20 will be displayed at hostels and University website in the last week of July 2019.

Hostel facility provided to students will be for one academic year only. However, hostelers can apply for readmission every year. Application for admission or re-admission to hostels shall be submitted online. The Hostel forms will be available on the University website / IUMS.
Provost (Girls): Prof. Shaikh Shaheen Altaf
Phone Number(s): EPBX: 4340