Submitted by MSQURESHI on Mon, 08/21/2023 - 15:14
Press Release: Book on Maulana Azad released “Meet the Author” programme held at MANUU PressRelease

Book on Maulana Azad released “Meet the Author” programme held at MANUU



Prof. Syed Ainul Hasan, Vice Chancellor, Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) today released Prof. Syed Irfan Habib’s (formerly with Maulana Azad Chair, NUEPA, New Delhi) book “Maulana Azad, A Life” during “Meet the Author” programme held on the second day of Two day Event on Maulana Abul Kalam Azad organized by Maulana Azad Chair and Department of Mass Communication and Journalism, MANUU.

The Discussants, Dr Amir Ali, Dr. Shaunna Rodrigues, Prof. Syed Imtiaz Hasnain, Prof. Mohammad Sajjad deliberated on the book.  Prof. Ishtiaque Ahmed, Registrar was also present.

Dr Amir Ali said that “Azad being the tallest statesman of India  gave us the direction about how we conceive on power.

Dr Shaunna Rodrigues focused on the importance of his teachings and relevance in the present world. Speaking about the book by Prof. Habib, she mentioned “Despite being the history of Azad, this book does not shy away from the relevance in contemporary India”.

Prof. Syed Imtiaz Hasnain, Chair-Professor, Maulana Azad, MANUU highlighted the choice of Azad’s style. He offered an insight into his research on the content of his speech and his perfect command over the different languages.

Prof. Mohammad Sajjad mentioned about his convocation speech and how he convinced the Ulema’s to pursue politics and his contribution towards promoting multi linguistics.

Mr. Md Danish Iqbal spoke about Azad’s association with modernity and allied concepts.

Prof. Danish Moin, Head, Department History, MANUU presided the session and commented on the work presented by the  panelists .

Dr. Firoz Alam, Associate Professor, Department of Urdu convened the programme and proposed vote of thanks.


MANUU Pr 18-08-2023.pdf