About Instructional Media Centre

Since the conventional systems of education has not been able to keep up with the growing needs and the essential qualitative expansion of higher education system, the University Grants Commission (UGC) took an initiative in August 1984 to start Countrywide Classroom programmes by producing high quality educational programmes and making it available to students, teachers and other viewers through the terrestrial transmission of Doordarshan using the services of INSAT Satellite. Seeing the popularity of such programmes and to address the needs of Higher Education through powerful mediums of Television and Radio along with appropriate use of information & communication technology, UGC established over 17 Media Centres in various universities and institutions in the country. Instructional Media Centre (IMC) is one such Educational Multimedia Research Centre established by University Grant Commission at MANUU Hyderabad. Aim of the Centre is to produce and disseminate the Higher Education content through Audio-Visual Medium to the Urdu diaspora which is a minority community in India. IMC provides a forum for the active involvement of academics in creation of appropriate educational content to regular and distance mode of students.
The basic infrastructure of IMC consists of one Video studio, one Audio studio, associated control rooms, and a comprehensive post production facility by way of audio edit suites, non-linear editing, computer graphics & animation etc. A sets construction workshop, props & costume stores, make-up room, and a tapes library are an integral part of the infrastructure. In addition, the IMC also houses one e-class room. Besides producing the curriculum based Audio-visual programmes, the Instructional Media Centre also provides consultancies in the field of distance education, e-content production, social media and higher education, film & tv production, etc. The Media library of the Instructional Media Centre preserves the audio-visual content of various genres ranging from higher education content to documentaries on rich cultural heritage of Urdu to programmes of general interest to National/ International workshops and seminars and the highly revered MANUU Knowledge Series capsules enriching a wide range of audience on a wider array of topics.
The Media / Affiliated Centres have very demanding and challenging tasks. It is demanding as they have to produce high quality educational video programmes within a stipulated time so as to meet the never ending needs of higher education channels. The Media / Affiliated Centre’s task is challenging because they have to creatively produce quality educational video programmes and generate e-content material in a variety of fields with the help of academic personnel of the university system. To meet the demand, the Media / Affiliated Centre work as self-sufficient autonomous production Centres.
The Media / Affiliated Centres strives to achieve the following objectives -
- Understand the significance of education in general, and higher education in particular, in the global and Indian contexts.
- To set up proper facility for producing educational programmes and generating e- content material.
- Research related to optimizing the effectiveness of the programmes.
- Networking and collaboration with other educational agencies in India and abroad in the field of educational communication.
- Training and overall human resource development in the field of educational communication.
- Studying, promoting and experimenting with new techniques / technologies that will increase the reach and / or effectiveness of educational communication.