Department of English

List of Research Publication by Department of English

Research Publication of Gulfishan Habeeb

Educational Qualifications:


Year of Passing


Subjects opted




BSE, Hyderabad

English, Special English, Hindi, Maths, Science, Social Studies




BIE, Hyderabad, AP

English, French,

English Literature, History,





Osmania University, Hyderabad

English, French,

English Literature,

History, Political Science




Osmania University, Hyderabad



(University Rank 2nd )

M.Phil English


Osmania University, Hyderabad

Black American Autobiography and Malcolm X: A Critical Analysis


Ph.D English


Osmania University, Hyderabad

Religious Consciousness in African American Literature: Richard Wright; James Baldwin and Malcolm X


UGC JRF NET in English awarded in 1990

Teaching Experience:

August 1989 to present: 30 years (Taught Courses at Research level; Postgraduate level; Undergraduate level and at plus two level at various institutions, Central, State and Private such as MANUU; College of Languages; APRJC; Shadan Degree College; Anwarululoom Degree College and DBPM Degree College.

Research Supervision: Total 17 - 8 Ph.D and 9 M.Phil


Name of the Scholar

Title and Year

Jan Mudassir Gul

David Lodge and the Development of Campus Fiction.


Shabeer Ahmed Taing

Short Story Across Cultures: A Sociological Study of Selected Short Stories of O. Henry, Leo Tolstoy, R.K.

Narayan and Akhtar Mohi-ud-Din. 2013

DRP ChandraSekhar

Study of Street Play as a Living Genre: A Case Study of

Interventions in the Old City of Hyderabad. 2014

Naseer Ahmed Naseer

An Ecocritical Approach to British, American and

Indian Poetry. 2014

Anayat Ali Shah

Lalla Vakhs and Bulleh Shah’s Poetry: A Study of

Mystical Elements. 2017

Shoukat Hussain

Culture and Identity: A Study of Zulfiqar Ghose’s A New History of Torments, Don Bueno, Figures of

Enchantment and The Triple Mirror of the Self. 2017

Peddipaga Rambabu

Brain-Based Approach: Learning and Teaching L2 Vocabulary at Elementary Schools in Andhra Pradesh.


Nagaraju Mandly

Teaching Spoken and Written English Communication

Skills to Polytechnic Students Using Multiple Intelligence Approach: An Experimental Study. 2018


Name of the Scholar

Title and Year

Hafsa Binte Omar

Man and Milieu: A Comparative Study of Ephraim

Cabot and Wily Loman. 2008

Mirza Irfan Baig

Issue of Racism: Native Son and Light in August. 2008

T. Anand Kattimani

Comparative Study of Dalit Literature and African

American Literature: Joothan and The Autobiography of Malcolm X. 2009

Syed Ajmal Sameed

Autobiographical Element in the Works of Ruskin Bond. 2010

DRP Chandra Sekhar

Social Anxiety and Dissent in Post War Britain: A Case

Study of Howard Brenton’s Plays. 2010

Shamsudheen P.

Iconic Characters, Thirst for Freedom and Vicissitudes

of Life: A Canonic Shift in the Selected Works of Vaikoom Mohammad Basheer. 2012

Shoukat Hussain

Feminist Consciousness: A Study of Caryl Churchill’s

Vinegar Tom, Cloud Nine and Top Girls. 2012

Mudasir Ahmed Mir

Harold Pinter’s Contribution to the Theatre of the

Absurd. 2014

Tawseef Majid Mir

A Study of Socio-Political Discourse in the Select Plays

of Sean O’Casey. 2015

Research Adjudication of M.Phil and Ph.D theses at various Universities both Central and State such as:

  • The English and Foreign Languages University (EFLU), Hyderabad;
  • University of Hyderabad;
  • Osmania University, Hyderabad;
  • Dravidian University, Kuppam;
  • Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi;
  • Swami Ramananda Teerth Marathwada University (SRTMU), Nanded;
  • Mahatma Gandhi University (MGU), Kottayam;
  • Savitribai Phule University, Pune;
  • University of Mumbai and
  • MANUU, Hyderabad

Also invited as Chairperson and External Expert for Final Ph.D Viva Voce at EFLU, Hyderabad; SRTMU, Nanded and MGU, Kottayam.

Major Research Project: Awarded Major Research Project by UGC on Environment and Literature: An Ecocritical Approach

MHRD – E-PG Pathshala: Presented the following Modules for M.A. English Paper 14, Indian Writing in English:

  • A Historical Study of the Origin and Evolution of Indian Fiction in English (Module 22)
  • Untouchability – Mulk Raj Anand’s Untouchables (Module 23)

Membership on Boards of Studies etc:

  • Member, BoS: Department of English Language Teaching, School of Distance Education, The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad,
  • Member PG BoS: Department of English, Osmania University, Hyderabad
  • Member: Subject Expert Committee, Dept of English, BRAOU, Hyderabad
  • Special Invitee, BoS: Department of English, MANUU, Hyderabad


  • Habeeb, “The Spirituals in Richard Wright.”LangLit 1.2 (November 2015). ISSN 23495189
  • Habeeb, English for Speakers of Urdu: A Proficiency Course. Hyderabad: Orient Blackswan, 2014. ISBN 22780742
  • Habeeb, “African American Autobiography.”The Criterion 5.V (October 2014). ISSN 09768165
  • Mir, Mudassir and Gulfishaan Habeeb. “A Critique of Modernist Absurdism in Harold Pinter’s The Homecoming.” Literary Quest 4 (September 2014). ISSN 23495650
  • Habeeb, “The Epiphany” International Journal of English Language, Literature and Skills. ISSN 22780742
  • Habeeb, Gulfishaan. “Facebook and the Faceless Distance Learner: Facilitating a Bond in the Learning ” Disseminating Learning, Diminishing Borders: ODL in the 21st Century. DDE, MANUU Conference Proceedings 2013.
  • Habeeb, “Let Go” IJELLS 2.2 (April 2013). ISSN 22780742
  • Habeeb, “The Autobiography of Malcolm X.”Research Vistas 1.2 (March-April 2012). ISSN 2277310X
  • Waheed, A. and Gulfishaan Habeeb.“Excerpts from an Interview on Mulk Raj Anand’s Novel Untouchables.” Thematics Journal of Arts and Culture 1.4 (January 2012). ISSN 22310789
  • Habeeb, “Fair Ones, Close-Guarded in Pavilions: Depiction of Self in the Poetry of Parveen Shaker.” Writings of Women, Writings on Women. CULLC, MANUU. Conference Proceedings 2012.
  • Habeeb, Gulfishaan and Habeeb. “Ecocritical theory or E-Theory: Some Newer Perspectives.” Postmodern Literary Theory and Literature Shinde and Mirza. Conference Proceedings 2012 (ISBN 9788192012001)
  • Habeeb, “Hardy’s Fiction and Ecocriticism: Emerging Trends in Research and Training.” MAJELL 2.1 (March 2010). ISSN 09749268
  • Habeeb, English for GNM Students. Hyderabad: Florence, 2009-10.
  • Habeeb, “Glocal English: New Techniques in ELT.” MAJELL 1.1 (March 2009). ISSN 09749268
  • Habeeb, Gulfishaan . “ODL and English: Reaching Out to the Urdu ” Staff and Educational Development International Journal (SEDI) Vol 13. No 1(2009). ISSN 0791 9008
  • Habeeb, Gulfishaan . “Quest for Love and Religion: The Amen Corner.” International Journal of Drama Studies. Vol 2 No 1 (Jan 2008).
  • Habeeb, Gulfishaan. “Post Colonial Poetry.” Modern Language English. Ed. Jayalakshmi. CDE, Osmania (Self Learning Material for Undergraduate Students – 3rd year)
  • Habeeb, “Introduction to Prose and Poetry.” General English (2nd Year) Ed. Gulfishaan Habeeb, DDE, MANUU. (Self Learning Material for Undergraduate Students – 2nd year)
  • Habeeb, Gulfishaan. “True Love” in General English (2nd Year) Ed. Gulfishaan Habeeb. DDE, 2007 (Self Learning Material for Undergraduate Students – 2nd year)
  • Raj, V and Gulfishaan Habeeb. General English (1st year) DDE, MANUU. 2006 (Self Learning Material for Undergraduate Students –1st year)
  • Habeeb, Sense Perceptions: A Collection of Poems. Premier 2006.
  • Habeeb, First Impressions: Essays on American Literature. Premier 2006.
  • Habeeb, Strategies for Communication Skills Development.” 3rd iceg 2006. Sona College of Technology, 2008. Conference Proceedings.
  • Habeeb, Gulfishaan. African American Literature and Religious Premier 2006.
  • Habeeb, Gulfishaan. “Stark ” Sada-e-Niswan. Vol 1 Issue 1. March 2006.
  • Habeeb, The Autobiography of Malcolm X: A Critical Analysis. Premier 2002.
  • Habeeb, Gulfishaan. “The Twenties in Black and White: A Comparative Study of Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby and Wright’s Black Boy and American Hunger” in F. Scott Fitzgerald Centenary Essays from India. Ed. Mohan Ramanan. Prestige, 1998. ISBN 8175510412

Audio- Video Lessons (scripted/coordinated/presented)

Sl. No.



Audio/ AV


Language and Thought

Panel Discussion



Description of Consonant Sounds

Straight Talk



Use of Capital Letters

Straight Talk



Epic Conventions in Paradise Lost

Straight Talk



Changes in Spelling





Straight Talk



Character of Heathcliff

Straight Talk



Waiting for Godot

Straight Talk



Post Colonial Theory




Changes in Sound

Straight Talk



Romantic Poetry Part 1




Romantic Poetry Part 2




Romantic Poetry Part 3




Cultural Studies and New Historicism

Straight Talk



Deconstruction and Post Structuralism

Straight Talk



Verb: Present Tense

Straight Talk



Interview Skills

Straight Talk







Types of Sentences












Narrative Technique in Wuthering Heights




Carribean Poetry and Derek Walcot




Australian Poetry and Moschus

Moschiferous- Part A




Australian Poetry and Moschus

Moschiferous- Part B




The Great Gatsby




Metaphysical Poetry




Huckleberry Finn







Coordinating AV lessons, English for IMC along with HoD, English since 2017

Any other: Attended various Seminars, Conferences and Workshops both at national and international levels. Invited as Plenary Speaker, Panelist, Chairperson and Resource Person. Held additional responsibilities such as Coordinator, UGC- RCCM, MANUU; CPIO, MANUU; Chairperson, ICC, MANUU; Provost, Girls Hostels, MANUU. Membership on various Committees at MANUU.

Research Publication of Shugufta Shaheen: OSD-I

  • Shaheen, Shugufta. Soghra Humayun Mirza: An Icon of Women's Emancipation Movement, New Frontier, 5, 25-34, 2019, Sarup Book Publishers, New Delhi.
  • Shaheen, Shugufta and Shah Alam. Resistance in the Poetry of Faiz Ahmed Faiz, Aalochan Drishti, 1, 131-134, 2016.
  • Shaheen, Shugufta. Flights of Fantasy: Ibn-e-Safi's Panacea for a Traumatised Nation, Maulana Azad Journal of Language and Literature, 6, 1, 31-37, 2014, Dept. of English, MANUU.
  • Shaheen, Shugufta. Language, Nation and Identity, Maulana Azad Journal of Language and Literature, 5, 1, 28-37, 2013, The Department of English, MANUU.
  • Shaheen, Shugufta. History and Fiction in the Selected Novels of Qurratulain Hyder, Language Forum, 37, 2, 63-72, 2011, Bahri Publications.
  • Shaheen, Shugufta. Qurratulain Hyder’s The Housing Society: An Interplay of
  • History & Fiction, Journal of Literature, Culture and Media Studies, 2, 4, 93-99, 2010.
  • Shaheen, Shugufta. Feminine Quest for Identity in the Novels of Shashi Deshpande, Maulana Azad Journal of Language and Literature, 1, 1, 68-79, 2009, The Department of English, MANUU.
  • Shaheen, Shugufta. Qurratulain Hyder Ke Fiction Ka Munfarid Asloob, Nai
  • Kitab, 196-198, 2007, Nai Kitab Publishers, Delhi.


  • Shaheen, Shugufta. Facets: A Collection of Essays, The Hi-Tech Publishers, 2011, The Hi-Tech Publishers.
  • Shaheen, Shugufta. Revisiting History: A Critical Study of Qurratulain Hyder's Novels, The Hi-Tech Publishers, 2011, The Hi-Tech Publishers.


  • Shaheen, Shugufta. Sir Amin Jung, INTACH Heritage Annual 2004, Indian National Trust for Art & Cultural Heritage (INTACH).
  • Shaheen, Shugufta. Meri Ammi, Aalami Shama, 2009, Aalami Shama Publishers, Gulbarga.
  • Shaheen, Shugufta. A Room of One's Own: An Indian Perspective,
  • Understanding Women's Issues - A Feminist Standpoint, 257-267, 2012, Lambert Academic Publishers, Germany.
  • Shaheen, Shugufta. Madrasssa-e-Asafia, Towards A World of Equals, 1, 152153, 2015, Telugu Akademi, Hyderabad.
  • Shaheen, Shugufta. Dakhni: A Prime Indicator of Cultural Confluence, Studies in Medieval Deccan History 14th to 17th Century, 2015, Deccan History Society.
  • Shaheen, Shugufta and Sajjad Shahid. The Unique Literary Traditions of
  • Dakhn. Languages and Literary Cultures in Hyderabad, 89-154, 2017, Manohar.

Research Publication of Somapalyam Omprakash

  • Omprakash, Somapalyam. Characterization in Khushwant Singh's I Shall Not Hear the Nightingale. Pune Research An International Journal of English, vol 4, no. 1, July- August 2017, pp 1-6. (ISSN: 2454-4354)
  • Omprakash, Somapalyam. Ironic and Satiric Elements in Khushwant Singh's Short Stories. MAJELL vol 1 no. 1, March 2009, Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad. (ISBN 09749268)
  • Omprakash, Somapalyam. Foreign Language Teaching and Learner’s Independence, The Criterion: An International Journal in English, vol. 8, no 3, June 2017, pp 688-693. (ISSN: 0976-8165)
  • Omprakash, Somapalyam. Portrayal of (Satirical) Characters in Khushwant Singh’s Train to Pakistan. Pune Research An International Journal in English, vol.1, no. 3, Nov-Dec2015, pp 1-6. (ISSN 2454-3454)
  • Omprakash, Somapalyam. The Element of Fantasy in Khushwant Singh’s Select Short stories. Pune Research An International Journal in English vol 3, no. 4, Jul-Aug 2017, pp 1-5. (ISSN 2454-3454)
  • Omprakash, Somapalyam. The East-West Encounter in Khushwant Singh’s ‘A Bride for the Sahib’ and ‘Karma’. New Voices, vol 1, June 2011, pp 91-95. (ISSN 2231-3249)
  • Omprakash, Somapalyam. Portrayal of Dalit Women in Kumud Pawde’s Antashpot. Pune Research An International Journal in English, vol 2, no 6, Nov-Dec2016, pp 1-4. (ISSN 2454-3454)
  • Omprakash, Somapalyam. Wit, Humour and Laughter in Khuswant Singh’s Short Stories. Pune Research An International Journal in English, vol 2, no. 4, Jul-Aug 2016, pp 1-5. (ISSN 2454-3454)
  • Quadri, Syed Mohammed Haseebuddin and Somapalyam Omprakash. The Bubble of the South Sea Company Literature. Research Journal of Language, Literature and Humanities, vol 3, 2016, pp 24- 26. (ISSN 2348-6252)
  • Sheergojri, Wasim Ahmad and Omprakash Somapalyam. War as a Disaster in Farhad Sorabjee’s Hard Places. Akshar Wangmay, vol 9, Jan 2021, pp 73- 76. (ISSN 2229-4929)

Chapters in Books:

  • Omprakash, Somapalyam. “The Virtuous and the Vicious: Portrayal of Women in Khushwant Singh's Fiction”. Contribution of Khushwant Singh to Journalism History and Literature. Dr. Mohan Educational Publications, 2016. (ISBN 978-81-920462-3-5)

Research Publication of Govindaiah Godavarthi

Research Articles Published in Journals

  • Godavarthi, Govindaiah. “Symbolism and Subaltern Identity in Yendluri Sudhakar’s ‘Kotta Gabbilam’” Journal of Arts, Literary, Culture & Language Study. Bhava Veena, Edition, 19, 10 Spl. Edition, October (2022), 141-145. ISSN No: 24564702
  • Shugufta Shaheen and Godavarthi, Govindaiah. “Teaching English in Digital Era: Some Observances and Strategies.Journal of Nagfani A peer Reviewed Refereed Journal. Edition, 12, 43 October (2022), 102-105. ISSN No: 2321-1504 Nagfani RNI No. UTTHIN/2010/34408
  • Godavarthi, Govindaiah. “Teaching and learning English literature in a Multilingual Classroom: A Qualitative studyJournal of Arts, Literary, Culture & Language Study. Bhava Veena, Edition, 19, 8(1) (2022), 141-145.
  • Godavarthi, Govindaiah; Fasiullah, S. M. “A Comparative Study of Dalit characters in Premchand’s The Shroud and Bandhumadhav’s Poisoned Bread.” Studies in Indian Place Names, 40.50, (2020): 4832-4837.
  • Godavarthi, Govindaiah. A Study of Nimbalkar’s Poem Mother with CBI Approach. International Journal of Advance and Applied Research5 (2019): 64-69.
  • Godavarthi, Govindaiah. Pre-service Teacher Education and Community Engagement: Towards inculcating values. International Journal of Advance and Applied Research2, (2018): 54-59.
  • Quadri, Syed Mohammed Haseebuddin; Godavarthi, Govindaiah. “Can the mastery over ‘mother tongue’ facilitate the easy acquisition of other tongue?”, IMPACT: International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature, 4.3, (2016): 95-99.
  • Godavarthi, Govindaiah. “Making a difference means making a whale of a difference: A comparative study of Moby Dick with special reference to Biblical characters”. Chronicle of Humanities and Cultural Studies, 2.3, (2015): 37-41.
  • Godavarthi, Govindaiah. “Effective strategies in teaching English grammar through multimedia at the first-year post-graduate level.” Research Journal of English Language and Literature, 1.2, (2013): 267-272.
  • Godavarthi, Govindaiah. “Teachers’ cultural beliefs and attitudes: why they really matter?” Research Journal of English Language and Literature, 1.3, (2013): 387-392.
  • Dr. Govindaiah Godavarthi: Can the Mastery over Mother Tongue Facilitate Easy Acquisition of Other Tongue

Chapters published in Books

  • Godavarthi, Govindaiah, “Aa Challani Samudra Garbham (Numerous inextinguishable flames are hidden under the womb of the serene ocean).” Linguistic Kaleidoscope: Celebrating Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, New Delhi: Sarv Bhasha Trust, 2022, pp, 297-301.
  • Godavarthi, Govindaiah. “Modern Indian Literature.” Modern Indian Literature: Core Course in English (B.A/B.Com Second Semester), Hyderabad: Maulana Azad National Urdu University, 2021, pp. 85-99.
  • Godavarthi, Govindaiah. “So Very Far.” Modern Indian Literature: Core Course in English (B.A/B.Com Second Semester), Hyderabad: Maulana Azad National Urdu University, 2021, pp. 100-114.
  • Godavarthi, Govindaiah. “Teaching English to Students of Telugu Background: A Qualitative Study of APSWREIS.” New Approaches and Methods in ELT 1, 2020, pp. 106-116.
  • Godavarthi, Govindaiah. “Using reading as a Resource to Help Dalit Students Learn English and achieve their Desired Socio-Economic Status.” VOICES UNHEARD: Methodologically Articulated, 1, (2018): 77-82.

Research Publication of Khairunnisa Nakathorige

  • Nakathorige, Khairunnisa. “Revisiting Incest: An analysis of Mahesh Elkunchwar’s Desire in the Rocks” in Recasting Gender: Feminism and English Studies in India. Routledge (Forthcoming).
  • Nakathorige, Khairunnisa. “The Ultimate Unspeakable: Discourse on Incest narratives in India”. New Academia, Vol. IV Issue I, January 2015.
  • Nakathorige, Khairunnisa. “Gender and narration in Julie Otsuka’s The Buddha in the Attic”. Thirdfront Journal of Humanities and Social Science. Vol.1, No.1, March 2013.

Research Publication of Muhammed Aslam Kunnathil


1. Aslam, K.M. (2020). Redefining Independence in Old Age: An Analysis of Simone de Beauvoir's A Very Easy Death. IUP Journal of English Studies 15(4).

2. Aslam, K.M. (2019).Translating a Metaphysical Fiction: A Case Study. IJELLH 7(3).

3. Aslam, K.M. (2019). Literary Gerontology: Growth Trajectories of Creativity and Criticism. International Journal of Research 8(2).

4. Aslam, K.M. (2019). Wellbeing In Old Age: Scientific Narratives and Beyond. International Journal of Research 8(1).

5. Aslam, K.M. (2018). Hadrami Diaspora in Malabar: Cross-cultural Impacts.Universal Review 7(9).

6. Aslam, K.M. (2018). Reading the aging narratives: Towards enabling Tasawwuf in the operative framework. Islamic Insight 1(2).

7. Aslam, K.M. (2018).Aging, disability and interdependence: A study from Islamic perspective. Islamic Insight 1(1).

8. Aslam, K.M.(2017). Coming of Age: An Analysis of Gordon’s ‘At Sixty Five’. Pune Research 3(4).

9. Aslam, K.M. (2017). Research in Humanities: Objectivity, Reliability and Durability of Knowledge. The Criterion: An International Journal in English 8(3).

10. Aslam, K.M. (2017). Poetics of Piety: An Ethnographic Engagement on Spiritual Aging and Fostering Resilience. The Criterion: An International Journal in English 8(2).

11. Aslam, K.M.(2017). Literary Research: Tools for Mining the Meanings. International Journal of Research 4(3).


12. Aslam, K.M. (2020). Blended Learning in ELT Classrooms In: Nagendra, K & Godavarthy, G. (eds) Emerging Trends in ELT. Rudra Publications.

13. Aslam K.M. (2019) Aging: An Islamic Perspective. In: Gu D., Dupre M. (eds) Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. Springer, Cham.

Research Publication of Sameena Tabassum


  • 1. Tabassum, S. (2024). Tracing the origin and evolution of APA Style: From simple guidelines to global standard. Journal of the Oriental Institute, 73(3), 780-796. ISSN: 0030-5324.
  • 2. Tabassum, S. (2024).Communal harmony in select works of Indian English Literature. Mukt Shabd Journal, 8(7),694-705. ISSN NO : 2347-3150 doi:10.0014.MSJ.2024.V13I7.0086781.261067. 1YtmtJM8BCnSHXZ__BwjKdkngkFvawodu/view
  • 3. Tabassum, S. (2024). The art of literary research: Key insights for a literary investigation. International Journal of ELT, Linguistics and Comparative Literature, 12(5). ISSN:2455-0302. doi:10.33329/elt.12.5.1.
  • 4. Tabassum, S. (2024). An introduction to rhetorical analysis. International Journal of Novel Research and Development, 9(7), 739-743. ISSN: 2456-4184.
  • 5. Tabassum, S. (2023). Evolution of Indian English Literature through the lens of M. K. Naik. The Criterion: An International Journal in English. Vol. 14(3), ISSN0976-8165.
  • 6. Tabassum, S. (2023). Key takeaways for a researcher from a handbook for supervisors. International Journal of English: Language, Literature and Skills12(1).
  • 7. Tabassum, S. (2023). A call for eclectic mysticism in Dara Shikoh’s Majma’-ul-Bahrain. International Journal of Research in the Academic World2(1).
  • 8. Tabassum, S. (2022). The role of emotional intelligence in English pedagogy and padagogy: A multidisciplinary approach to English Language Teaching. Education Plus: A Multidisciplinary International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Journal12(11). APH Publishing Corporation House.
  • 9. Tabassum, S. (2022). The resonance of Indian philosophy in the Western The waste land. The Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, 9(10)UGC Approved Journal No: 63975, ISSN: 2349-5162


Chapters in edited books:

Research Publication of Geeta

Research Article Publications:

  1. The article entitled, Interior Conflicts in Vaidehi’s Chandaley is published in UGC referred International Journal Literary Insights (ISSN 0975-6248) Volume-10, Issue-1I, pp.233-241, January 2019.
  2. The Article entitled, The Cultural Representation and the Process of Modernization in Lambani Tribe of Karnataka is published in Indexed Lang Lit: An International Peer-Reviewed Open Access Journal, Vol.2 Issue 4, with ISSN 2349 - 5189. 531-536. May 2016.
  3. The Article entitled, Postcolonialism and Indian Literature is published in Lang Lit: An International Peer-Reviewed Open Access Journal, Vol.2 Issue 3, with ISSN 2349-5189. February 2016. 541-544.
  4. The Article entitled, Tradition and Colonial Modernity: Reading M.K Indira’s Phaniyamma (1976) is published in Research Chronicler: A Peer-reviewed and Indexed International Multidisciplinary Research Journal Vol. III, Issue IX-I with ISSN 2347-5021.   Special Issue: Post Modern Trends in Language and Literature. December. 2015. P. 84-87.
  5. The Article entitled, The Theme of Motherhood in Chandrashekhar Kambar’s Singarevva and the Palace published in LUMINAIRE: A Refereed Journal of the Department of Languages, Garden City College, Bangalore Vol.6, Issue 1, with the ISSN: 2249-2542 in 2016. P. 89-93.
  6. The Article entitled, Amerika Ki Pravasi Hindi Lekhikaon Ki Kahaniya Samaj aur Sanskriti Ka Dvandva published (jointly) in a book Bharatiya Aur Pravasi Hindi Katha Sahitya: Vartaman Paridrushya, Anbhai Parkashan: Mumbai. ISBN 978-81-908663-1-6. P.No 235 to 240.January. 2016.
  7. The Article entitled, Beyond the Margin: Baby Kamble’s The Prisons We Broke published in Lang Lit: An International Peer-Reviewed Open Access Journal VOL.2, ISSUE-2 with the ISSN 2349-5189 in November-2015. P. 657-660.
  8. The Article entitled, Transgression of Gendered boundaries: Desires and Sexuality in Select Kannada Novels is published in Contemporary Research in India: A Peer-Reviewed Multi-Disciplinary International Journal with the ISSN 2231-2137. Special Issue: in April, 2015. P. 65-69.
  9. The article entitled, Subversion of Naranappa in U R. Ananthmurthy’s Samskara: A Rite for a Dead Man is published in an International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) Vol. IV, Issue 1(ii) with the ISSN: 2277-9302, in April 2015. P. 50-51.

Research Publication of Qudsi Rizvi


  1. Rizvi, Qudsi. “The Basic Role of Spirituality in Education” in The International Journal of Culture, Literature and Criticism.” (V.12, October 2015). ISSN: 0976-1608. Print.
  2. Rizvi, Qudsi and Jyotsna Sinha. “Glimpses of Gender Discrimination in The Dark Holds No Terrors.” The Journal of Language and Literature. Photon 115, V.1 (July 2014): 176-180. ISJN: 3804-8375. Impact Index: 3.28. Web.
  3. Rizvi, Qudsi and Jyotsna Sinha. “Effect of Gendered Childhood on Marital Relations in Roots and Shadows.” The Criterion: An International Journal in English 4.5 (October 2013): 1-10. ISSN: 0976-8165. Web.
  4. Rizvi, Qudsi and Jyotsna Sinha. “Into the Absurd: The Confluence of Menace & Humour in The Birthday Party.The International Journal of Culture, Literature & Criticism V 2 (October 2010): 68-73. ISSN: 0976-1608. Print.
  5. Rizvi, Qudsi and Jyotsna Sinha. “Patterns of Human Interaction with the Environment & Nature in the fiction of Thomas Hardy.” Avante Garde Responses: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences 1.1 (February 2012): 1-10. ISSN: 2278-4810. Web.
  6. Rizvi, Qudsi and Jyotsna Sinha. “Catharsis through Nature & Ecology in Wordsworth’s The Prelude.” Research Vistas 1.6 (November - December 2012): 49-56. ISSN: 2277 – 310X. Web. 


  • Rizvi, Qudsi and Jyotsna Sinha. “Breaking the False Mirrors in That Long Silence”. Sahitya Academy Award Winning Novels. Vivekanand Jha & Rajnish Mishra. New Delhi: B.R. Publishing Corporation, 2013. ISBN 13:978-93-505012-273-83. Print.

Poetry Publication:

  1. Rizvi, Qudsi (co-author) “Divine Phonetics: Silence”, Imperfect Paintings”, Hues & Fragrances”, “Nature’s Song of Love”, AND Magazine Issue 11. Westend Publishers. ISBN: 978-1-300-64864-2. August 2021. 37-41. Print.
  1. Rizvi, Qudsi (co-author) “Shards of Mysterious Pain” & “Postmodern Wine”, Poetry & You, Edition III, Pub Lab Academia Publixation. ISBN: 9788195247097. July 2021. 129-130. Print.
  1. Rizvi, Qudsi (co-author). “Metamorphosis”, Feminist Voices Volume II: An Anthology of Poems on Domestic Violence, Ed. Pub Notion Press (India), June 2021. ISBN:9781639576173. 74. Print.
  1. Rizvi, Qudsi (co-author) "Existential Beauty" & "Harvest of Goodness". Life is Beautiful, Believe in It (Anthology), pub by Spectrum of Thoughts (An Affiliate of FanatiXx), January 2021. ISBN 978-93-90451-93-7. Print.
  1. Rizvi, Qudsi (co-author) “Ploughing the Pandemic”. Agony and Ecstasy of Covid-19 (An Anthology of Pandemic Poems), pub by All India Forum for English Students, Scholars and Trainers (AIFEST), January 2021. ISBN 979-85-85821-974. Print.
  1. Rizvi, Qudsi (co-author) “Beyond the Mist” & “The Lonely Shepherd”. Head Full of Words, pub by The Quill House, November 2020. ISBN 978-81-947383-5-0. Print.
  1. Rizvi, Qudsi (co-author) “Visions of the Esoteric Heart” & “Pearls of Hope” “Love is the Answer” … Do It from Love not for Love, pub by Spectrum of Thoughts (An Affiliate of FanatiXx), September, 2020. ISBN 978-81-947959-7-1. Print.
  1. Rizvi, Qudsi “Knowledge in Distress” & “Enlightened”… Poetry & You: Lab Academia Publication, 2020. ISBN 978-81-936791-6-6. 53-57. Print.
  1. Rizvi, Qudsi “The Journey Inward”& “Imprints on Time’. The Creative Launcher: An International, Open Access, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed, E-Journal in English. ISSN 2455-6580. Vol I & Issue VI (February 2017) p 117-18, 122-23. Impact factor 2.3. UGC Approved (Sr. No. 62952). Web.

  1. Rizvi, Qudsi “The Recluse” & “The Wretched of the Earth”. Lapis Lazuli: An International Literary Journal. ISSN 2249-4529. Vol 7, No. 1 (Spring 2017) p 1-4. Web.
  1. Rizvi, Qudsi “Wretched Dregs of Humanity” & “Being Invisible”. Research Innovator: International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed Journal. ISSN: 2348-7674. Vol IV, Issue II (April 2017) p 5, 15. Web.
  1. Rizvi, Qudsi “The Wretched of the Earth” & “Search of an Island”. The Literary Herald: An International Refereed English E-Journal. Sidhhartha Sharma. ISSN: 2454-3365. Vol II, Issue 4 (March 2017) p 638-9. Web. [Impact Factor: 2.24 IIJIF]
  2. Rizvi, Qudsi “Blood & Life” & “Estranged Passages”. International Journal of English Language, Literature & Humanities (IJELLH). Indexed Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal. ISSN: 2321-7065. Vol V, Issue II (February 2017) p 152-154. Web. [Impact Factor: 5.27]

  1. Rizvi, Qudsi “Agony Underneath”, “Oblivion” & “Irrational Love”. Gnosis: An International Journal of English Language and Literature. Saikat Banerji. ISSN: 2394-0131. Vol 1, No.3 (April 2015). Print.
  1. Rizvi, Qudsi “In a distant land” & “Moving forward”. The Literary Herald: An International Refereed English E-Journal. Sidhhartha Sharma. ISSN: 2454-3365. Vol 1, Issue 2 (September 2015). Web. [Impact Factor: 2.24 IIJIF]

Published Essays:

  1. Rizvi, Qudsi “Faith is the Answer”. Ashvamegh International Journal of English Literature. ISSN: 2454-4574. Vol. III, Issue XXVI: March 2017. Web.
  2. Rizvi, Qudsi “The Matter Party”. Ashvamegh International Journal of English Literature. ISSN: 2454-4574. Issue XVII: June 2016. Web.